Ergonomics Disclaimer:
J.R. Merritt Controls, Inc. does not control the location and installation or user operation of its seating systems. J.R. Merritt Controls, Inc. recommends that equipment manufacturer consult with the end user to insure that the seating is positioned properly for optimum ergonomic operation specific to that equipment. It is the buyer's / employer's responsibility to obtain and apply expertise specific to their industry in the cabin design, operator line of sight and seat positioning that will best accommodate a wide range of operators. It is the buyer's / employer's responsibility to develop a sound ergonomic training program to encourage operators to follow good ergonomic, safe and healthy operating practices.
Modifications Disclaimer:
Request for modifications that may alter Grammer, Inc. seating as originally manufactured require Grammer, Inc.'s written approval. Therefore J.R. Merritt Controls, Inc. and Grammer, Inc. accepts no liability whatsoever for those modifications. The buyer assumes total responsibility for any damages that may arise directly or indirectly from those modifications. The seller makes modifications on the reliance that the buyer understands the ramifications of those modifications and has done their due diligence in regards to design, testing and safety.
Seat restraint Disclaimer:
It is the buyer's responsibility to determine if a seat restraint is required. It is the buyer's responsibility to determine the type, size and that it is suitable and that it also conforms to applicable regulations and standards and is mounted correctly to industry standards. If a lap belt (2 point harness) is required it will be supplied by Grammer, Inc. and manufactured to comply with the following regulations: ECE R16, EEC 77/541, SAE J386, and FMVSS 302. If a shoulder harness (4 point harness) is required it will be supplied by Grammer, Inc. and manufactured to comply with the following regulations: SAE J386, and SAE J2292. It is also the buyer's responsibility to train the operator in the proper use of the seat restraint and to monitor that it is being used properly at all times when the machine is in operation.
J.R. Merritt Controls, Inc, its agents and employees under no conditions accepts any liability that may arise out of the use or non use of operator restraints in any application. The applications are so broad and regulations and laws vary from state to state where it is impossible for JR Merritt Controls, Inc to give expert advice. Buyer is responsible to obtain and supply expertise specific to their industry and application to insure regulatory compliance.
Seat Switch (operator presence switch) Disclaimer:
An operator presence switch can be installed in the manufacturer's standard location to determine if an operator is seated.
Any modification or relocation of the operator presence switch requires the written approval of Grammer, Inc. The buyer assumes total responsibility for any liability that may arise from these modifications.